Mountain Lake Hunting Club

2004  - Wade's Buck

The first person to get a shot at this buck was Andrew Moser from the Rosenau hunting party.  He was east of the track and shot at the buck, Andrew saw the buck go down, but it didn't stay down and went towards the railroad tracks.

The Feathers were doing a drive and Wade was posting on the railroad tracks when he saw a large buck crossing the tracks right into our drive!!

The buck paused on the tracks and Wade could see white above the ears so he leveled his sights for the long shot and fired.  The buck dropped immediately, then managed to crawl off the tracks slightly before Wade's older brother Ryan was able to go to the buck where Wade had last seen it.

When Ryan go the deer it  was lifting its head still, he was worried it would still get up and get away so he fired shots into the deers neck until he was sure it was dead.  Luckily the taxidermist only charged $20 per hole to sew those back up!!!


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